NYS WBE Certified in New York City
New Solutions Staffing is an NYS WBE Certified personnel support service provider located in the New York City area. Our company services the New York State Medical Industry with highly vetted pre-qualified medical personnel.

Why Contract an NYS WBE Certified company?
Increased Revenue
Tax Incentives
Ensured Business Integrity
Satisfy SUNY/CUNY Diversity Requirements
Increased Revenue
More than 350,000 U.S. companies each year are actively searching for a business or supplier with a strong supplier diversity program. By supporting a WBE certified business, you make your business available to these new customers.
Tax Incentives
The U.S. Federal Government provides tax breaks for companies that utilize a WBE certified business.
Ensured Business Integrity
By aligning your business with a WBE certified business, you ensure a certain level of business ethics that your company observes. Strong support of programs such as WBE certification
Satisfy SUNY/CUNY Diversity Requirements
Satisfy SUNY/CUNY diversity requirements for any and all bids that you are considering. New Solutions Staffing is a WBE certified company and has assisted several national staffing agencies to meet NYS diversity mandates on major acute care program contracts as an approved subcontractor.
Get started…
Please contact us for more information. Take a moment and fill in the form below. A representative will get back to you as quickly as possible with answers.